Brainwave Music

Abundance and Prosperity Manifesting Music

Abundance and Prosperity Manifesting Music

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Wealth Meditation Music: "Abundance and Prosperity" - Success, Fortune, Wellness, Power

Meditate and use your focus and power of thought to achieve your dreams and success with our new wealth and abundance track that uses binaural beats and isochronic pulses of 4Hz up to 12Hz, which are associated with inner guidance, intuition deep meditation, creative inspiration, spiritual connection, inter-awareness of self and purpose, positive thinking, creative problem solving, mood elevation and stress reduction, and helps to set the mind to accomplish the tasks at hand. With the carrier frequency of 183.88Hz, which is also of Jupiter’s orbit, this promotes growth, determination and success. Jupiter is known for good luck, spiritual teachings and higher knowledge. It represents growth, creative power, prosperity and good health. Listen with headphones to get the best brainwave entrainment effects and always keep the volume at a comfortable low setting.

Brainwave music is purely for entertainment purposes, and should never be used in place of medical treatment for health issues, or used while driving.

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